Oxford Brookes University Conservative Association (OBUCA)
Here at Oxford Brookes, Conservative Future is known as the Oxford Brookes University Conservative Association (OBUCA). We aim to be the largest political society across the University, and strive to attract a range of people from those who wish to campaign and support the Conservative Party to those that just fancy a few pints and a chat with like-minded people. OBUCA has been reorganised and re-launched in a move that we hope reflects the culture of change that has shaped the Conservative Party across the UK. We welcome thoughts, ideas, or comments from all our members, and we urge you to get involved - whether it's joining us at our socials or through standing for election to the committee. At https://top-papers.com/buy-term-papers-online/ for our long-time readers there is also an option to order term papers that explore related topics and make sure to include all the details.
As a branch of the national party, we support and promote the aims of the Conservatives. As a student society, we strive to enjoy ourselves and make the most of our time here at Brookes. This country is on the verge of a political sea change. Brown has failed to convince the British people that he is the answer to all the problems he helped to create, and David Cameron has united the Conservative Party and placed them in a strong position to fight and win a General Election. Brown may have bottled it this time, but in the mean time OBUCA will continue to promote Conservative values, support and train its members, and offer a vibrant and exciting time to all over the coming years.
Aside from getting directly involved in politics, as a member of OBUCA you can expect to be offered first-rate training from professionals in areas such as media skills, speech writing and campaigning, as well as master classes in getting into the City, law or political journalism. We also offer a varied social life ranging from paintballing to a formal ball.
Members of OBUCA are able to access events organised by our colleagues at Oxford University Conservative Association, Oxford City Conservative Future and vice versa. We are integrally involved with the local political campaign team with representatives sitting on the City of Oxford Conservative Campaign team.
So come and find us, see what we're about, and see if you find what you're looking for in one of the largest societies on campus. You can email any committee member for further information on our meetings, social events, and national events.
With best wishes for the coming year,
Laurence Garfield President, Oxford Brookes University Conservative Association
Contact us at: 0845 230 4026 Email us at: [email protected] Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/3xf6aj
Oxford Brooks University Conservative Association